St. Stephen’s approach to stewardship involves looking at all of the resources at our disposal — human, physical, spiritual and financial — and discerning how to use them best. We feel it is important to recognize that these resources exist to serve God and the congregation, not the other way around.
The parish periodically engages in a process of reflection in order to discern future directions and roles. The visioning process helps define the parish’s needs and establish priorities.
The Wardens and the Treasurer bear the primary responsibility of tracking finances and budgeting. Valuable roles are also played by the Counters, a small but dedicated team that meets to count the weekly offering; and the Envelope Secretary, who records the offerings of each envelope holder and issues statements and tax receipts.
Visiting Teams
Through periodic visits to all parishioners, visiting teams help ensure a two-way flow of information and bring forward the concerns and needs of all.
Property Committee
This group performs important maintenance on the Church property. This work includes repairs, cleaning, maintaining equipment and gardening. We currently have a part-time custodian who looks after the day-to-day upkeep of the Church. The Property Committee also deals with coordinating and completing larger projects and renovations. Teams of parishioners normally form work parties as they are needed, such as in the spring to clean the grounds and maintain the gardens.