Activities of the Liturgical Committee primarily focus around the Worship service.
The senior choir leads worship on most Sundays. New members are always welcome. A worship band works with the Music Director to help provide a wide variety of music. The junior choir is integrated with the senior choir.
Readers, Intercessors & Lay Readers
Readers and intercessors are now involved at some 8:00 a.m services. Two readers are designated for each Sunday 10:00 a.m. service and for special services throughout the Church year. Intercessors are trained to lead the Prayers of the People at the 10:00 a.m. service as well. Lay Readers take responsibility for the Liturgy of the Word at both Sunday services and other special services.
This is a team of youth and adults who assist the clergy during the service. They carry the cross and candles during the procession, receive the offering, and help with communion.
Lay Administrators
During the Eucharist, the Lay Administrators help serve the communion to the congregation.
Sidespersons and Greeters
This group greet people at the door on Sundays, hand out bulletins and make everyone feel welcome. If any assistance is required during the service the sidepersons are there to help.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets up the Altar before each Eucharist, ensuring there are bread and wine, candles, linens, chalices and paten available for worship. Members of the Guild also decorate the church (flowers, special services, seasonal decorations, etc.).
Healing Ministry
During the 10:00 a.m. Sunday services, any who have concerns for themselves or others are invited to join a team of two trained people to receive prayers of personal healing. This is done with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.
Each week, except through Lent and Advent, flowers from the altar are delivered to those in hospital or who have a particular need.