Pastoral Care Team
A team of trained pastoral care visitors are accredited with local hospitals to meet with those who are ill. Members of the team also visit shut-ins and administer communion.
Phone Prayer Group
This is a group of dedicated people who pray for the needs of anyone who asks. Confidential requests for prayer are phoned to the coordinator who passes them to the members of the prayer team. Anyone carrying a burden, or who has a burden on their heart for someone else can request prayer.
Foot Care Clinic
A Registered Practical Nurse offers a weekly clinic to the community.
Local outreach
St. Stephen’s is participating in the local church initiative called The Big Give. 2017 marks our second year of involvement in this outreach activity.
We are hoping to participate in The Big Give on June 4, 2022..
St. Stephen’s is one of the founding churches for the Ottawa West End Community Chaplaincy (OWECC) and continues to support this crucial ministry with the culturally-diverse group of people who live in west-end Ottawa Housing communities.
Contributions of food are collected each Sunday morning through our Martha’s Kitchen and delivered to food banks monitored by the West End Interfaith Social Action group.
St. Stephen’s is a member of the Multi-faith Housing Initiative whose ministry is to ensure people have safe, continuous affordable housing in the Ottawa area
Members of St. Stephen’s actively support the creation of the West End Hospice through Hospice Care Ottawa.
Other local outreach activities include maintaining an emergency warehouse with such items as furniture, appliances and other household items; providing financial support to programs like a Lunch & Breakfast program, the SHARE Fund, Centre 454 and The Well/La Source; and supporting families with Christmas hampers.
Iqaluit Music Camp
A group of parishioners went to visit Iqaluit in August 2016 to assist with their annual music camp. Good friendships were made and we continue to stay in contact with them. Some of the students from the music camp visited Ottawa for the 150th celebrations and joined us on Sunday, July 2nd. In 2021 we raised over $5,000 towards the purchase of child-sized drums.

International Outreach
Along with other churches in the west end, St Stephen’s participates actively in a refugee sponsoring group called Refuge NOW.
The parish also supports the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.
Members of the parish have been actively involved in the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign.